remorse: a fragment
    of all the numerous ills that hurt our peace,
    that press the soul, or wring the mind with anguish
    beyond comparison the worst are those
    by our own folly, or our guilt brought on:
    in ev'ry other circumstance, the mind
    has this to say, “it was no deed of mine:”
    but, when to all the evil of misfortune
    this sting is added, “blame thy foolish self!”
    or worser far, the pangs of keen remorse,
    the torturing, gnawing consciousness of guilt—
    of guilt, perhaps, when we've involved others,
    the young, the innocent, who fondly lov'd us;
    nay more, that very love their cause of ruin!
    o burning hell! in all thy store of torments
    there's not a keener lash!
    lives there a man so firm, who, while his heart
    feels all the bitter horrors of his crime,
    can reason down its agonizing throbs;
    and, after proper purpose of amendment,
    can firmly force his jarring thoughts to peace?
    o happy, happy, enviable man!
    o glorious magnanimity of soul!


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