my native land sae far awa
    o sad and heavy, should i part,
    but for her sake, sae far awa;
    unknowing what my way may thwart,
    my native land sae far awa.
    thou that of a' things maker art,
    that formed this fair sae far awa,
    gie body strength, then i'll ne'er start
    at this my way sae far awa.
    how true is love to pure desert!
    like mine for her sae far awa;
    and nocht can heal my bosom's smart,
    while, oh, she is sae far awa!
    nane other love, nane other dart,
    i feel but her's sae far awa;
    but fairer never touch'd a heart
    than her's, the fair, sae far awa.


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