when she cam' ben she bobbed
    o when she cam' ben she bobbed fu' law,
    o when she cam' ben she bobbed fu' law,
    and when she cam' ben, she kiss'd cockpen,
    and syne denied she did it at a'.
    and was na cockpen right saucy witha'?
    and was na cockpen right saucy witha'?
    in leaving the daughter of a lord,
    and kissin' a collier lassie an' a'!
    o never look down, my lassie, at a',
    o never look down, my lassie, at a',
    thy lips are as sweet, and thy figure complete,
    as the finest dame in castle or ha'.
    tho' thou has nae silk, and holland sae sma',
    tho' thou has nae silk, and holland sae sma',
    thy coat and thy sark are thy ain handiwark,
    and lady jean was never sae braw.


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